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Offene Diskussion: Ökologie und südlicher Feminismus

13. März 2024 um 19:00 - 21:30

Offene Diskussion über die Schnittstelle zwischen der Umweltbewegung und den dekolonialen Feminismen des Südens, sowohl aus österreichischer als auch aus lateinamerikanischer Sicht.

Open Panel Discussion: This event is a open discussion about transnational solidarity and ecofeminist perspectives from Latin America. What do you know about ecofeminism? Ecofeminist activist and thinkers use gender to analyse the relationsships between humanity and nature. We want to introduce ecofeminist approaches and lived realities in Latin America to you in part 1, afterwards in part 2 we listen to the presentations of Sofía Gutíerrez (Colombian activist living in Graz) and Regina Cabrera Batista (psychologist and activist based in Mexico) about their work and experiences in this field. Topics such as collective care, communities, grassroots movements and environmental defenders are discussed within the perspective of a transnational ecofeminist approach. In the last part, we close with a collaborative activity!

Speakers: Regina Cabrera Batista is a 22-year-old psychologist and activist for climate justice with an anti-racist and anti-patriarchal perspective. She is a co-founder of the Asamblea Ecologista Popular. She has served as an observer at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP26 in Glasgow and COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh. She was a member of the Women’s Parliament of Mexico City, serving as Secretary General in its second term. She has organized 10 global climate strikes, is a speaker, and creates feminist and anti-racist content on Instagram and TikTok. Currently, she works with women in prisions and advocates for the defense of the „Cuenca del Anahuac“,collaborating with indigenous peoples and neighborhoods.

Sofía Gutiérrez, 22 years old, is a Colombian ecofeminist activist, she focuses her activism on peace, gender and human rights issues, advocating for climate justice both nationally and internationally, she has participated in decision-making spaces contributing at COP26,27,28 and the SB58 and in her country and her city (i.e. climate emergency declaration in bogota), She has been an organizer with FFF MAPA since 2020, she has worked with different grassroots movements in her country and is part of the Colombian network of women for climate justice working with indigenous and peasants environmental defenders with the ngo Barranquilla +20.

Nathalie Ackermann, 29 years old, a social worker and activist, she has experience in mediation and group facilitation, political educational work (in schools) and focuses on migration and feminism. Her studies in Political Ecology and Degrowth in Barcelona radicalised her even more and shaped her perspectives of the capitalist world we are living in today. She is part of the group F*Streik in Graz.

– There will be snacks
– The limit of this event is 25 people.


13. März 2024
19:00 - 21:30


F*streik, Barranquila+20


KHG – Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Graz QL- Lounge
Leechgasse 24
Graz, 8010 Österreich
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